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If passed two lists, the standard append() function will concatenate the lists, rather than treating the second list as a value that should be appended to the list. In contrast, the lappend() function will always append individual values to a list (it does this by making sure that each element is encapsulated in its own list before using base::append() to put it in the original list).

Importantly, this approach correctly allows adding a data.frame to a list, whereas calling base::append() directly will add each column as a separate element.


lappend(l, ..., .after = length(l))



The list to append to.


One or more values to be appended to the list, each as a separate list element.


At what position to append.


A list with the specified values appended at the correct position.


l <- list()
l <- append(l, cars)
l <- append(l, mtcars)
length(l) # l is a list of 13 vectors
#> [1] 13

l <- list()
l <- lappend(l, cars)
l <- lappend(l, mtcars)
length(l) # l is a list of 2 data.frames
#> [1] 2